BOOST and UPRIGHT first encounter
Trondheim (NO), 26 June 2019

On June 25th 2019 the BOOST project had a synergy event with the UPRIGHT project.
The event took place during UPRIGHT’s consortium meeting at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. Both projects aim to promote children’s mental health and resilience through the development of innovative programmes, using a whole-school approach.
UPRIGHT “Universal Preventive Resilience Intervention Globally implemented in schools to improve and promote mental Health for Teenagers” is a Horizon-2020-funded project whose aim is to build a mental well-being culture in schools in five European regions, through the co-design, delivery and validation of a training programme on mental resilience. While BOOST focuses on primary school , UPRIGHT targets adolescents from 12 to 14 years of age.
During the meeting, the two projects exchanged information about their respective objectives, as well as some experiences from the work done so far. A short dissemination video was made together. The projects are very relevant and complementary to each other, and will follow each other’s developments closely. Joint dissemination events will be planned together for the future.
Curious to know more about UPRIGHT and this meeting? Then visit